Love bizarre and love gone wrong, and love that sings a darker song Live music meets live storytelling in a celebration of love that is dark, deranged or just downright odd.
James Morgan first picked up a guitar at the age of twelve, in order to become windswept and interesting to women. That didn’t really work, but he is pretty good with a six-string… Hailing from darkest Suffolk and now based in Ayrshire in Scotland, James crafts folk songs for the modern age, with a hefty lump of punk sensibility thrown in for good measure.
Mainly on Bass guitar and Studio engineering/production, Harley has played for many bands mainly focussing on function bands Space Rocks and Blue Print, as well as original projects Mohawk and backing band for Lucy Sampson.
An awsome drummer with a Beard to Match also many many awsome musical ventures that will blow your mind.